Support x64 & x86 gmod, full functionality and unique features.
-Good aimbot with great pack support.
-No Spread: without spread (M9K, HL2, TFA, CW2, SWB, FAS2).
-AutoWall: shooting through walls (M9K, CW2, SWB, FAS2).
-Entity aimming: you can choose any entity as the aim target, printer or npc.
-Return Fire: automatically kills the aggressor.
-Customization: Priority, predict, ignore filter, fov.
-Full esp and full customization, can set any text position, color.
-Preview esp in menu.
-Chams: 5 types of chams, also perfect work with obsbypass.
-Money: shows player money on darkrp.
-Entity Esp: shows the amount of money in the printer, its hp and other useful information.
-Debug Camera: visual noclip, works on the whole map.
-Other: Aspect Ratio, Customize Radar, Cloud Radar, OBS bypass.
-Auto Strafe: legit, rage and multi-directional(WASD) types, for your situation in the game.
-Max Hops: the maximum number of jumps for 1 time, for non-detection of an auto bhop.
-Keypad Logger: steals entered passwords by players, support for 2 types of keypads.
-Spam: have chat, pm, ooc, killsay types from several prepared texts.
-Logs: has the same logs as the admins on the server, you can find out who killed whom, etc.
-Ability to run scripts in menu and client your scripts.
-exechackapi: removes some gmod restrictions, full integration with the cheat, up to creating your own function in the cheat.
-Editor: in-menu lua editor with loader, minifier, beautifier, obfuscator, netlogger.
-Save Mode: blocks any luaran from the creators of the server who are trying to harm you.
-Lua Store: access to over 100+ free scripts right in the menu, with new ones added all the time.
-Server Scripts Customizator: can change any client server code.